Thursday, April 5, 2018

Blog Stage Five

This particular article caught my eye as it discusses the loss of the only seat in the House occupied by an African American representative. Austin, despite its exponential growth has seen a significant decline in the black population. Gentrification in all parts of Austin have displaced many predominantly black and latino neighborhoods. This change in demographic is directly reflected in the threat of a loss in representation. Austin has always had issues regarding diversity, but the growth of urban settlement has only worsened them. Losing representation of an entire demographic is harmful in several ways. It communicates to certain communities that they are not important or worth representation, a voice in the larger spectrum of state government. One of the longtime representatives in the House, Dawnna Dukes, has been known for several scandals. Since then, several candidates have come forward to prevent the loss of an African American voice in the House. “That would definitely be a wound for the community because that seat has been African-American historically, and we think diversity benefits Austin, Texas, and we think everybody should recognize that,” Linder said. “But since they don’t, we’re going to make sure people vote.” Part of the struggle these new candidates face is separating themselves from the mistakes of Duke, but each are trying to preserve the seat in order to maintain a voice in a government that severely lacks diversity. 

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